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Nextcreate ermöglicht den Einstieg in digitale AR-basierte Inhalte am Point-of-Need zu niedrigen Kosten und ohne technisches Know-How. Unser neues Produkt für die Wissensvermittlung kann auf vorhandener Hardware auch ohne VR/AR Brillen eingesetzt werden.
Interlake – Your IT Crew.
Software allein löst keine Probleme. Im Zentrum stehen immer die Menschen, welche die IT nutzen. Wir machen den digitalen Wandel für alle Menschen im Unternehmen selbstverständlich. Dafür bieten wir Tools & Guidance.
Interlake News.
Bei uns passiert so einiges. Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick.
The future of learning is here: Interlake opens AR authoring tool Nextcreate to open beta
For anyone who wants to make a difference: Nextcreate offers an intuitive, innovative AR authoring tool and a free playout app that enables seamless integration of digital content into real-world environments. Easy-to-create, context-based learning at the point of...
Final update for Storyline 3
Articulate decided to not develop Storyline 3 and its features any further which means that a final update for the tool is going to be published in April. Current users can still use Storyline 3 and Articulate is also going to provide updates regarding technical...
Video news about Nextcreate – the AR authoring tool by Interlake
With Nextcreate, the Interlake team is developing an AR authoring tool, based on many years of experience in digital learning and the Metaverse. Many questions arise about this - for example: What is Nextcreate and how does it work? Do we need another authoring tool?...
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